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God's Peculiar People

What would make a young professional married couple leave the comfort of their home to go to a faraway land to serve a group of people who are vastly different from them without even having the funds to cover all their expenses? This would appear to be a ridiculous decision for many persons. Some would say they are not being practical, and this should be the time when they are thinking about building their future and starting their family. But these two are a couple of God’s “peculiar people.” (See 1 Peter 2:9 KJV). This pair is God’s “own possession.” (See 1 Peter 2: 9 NLT). They are not living life following worldly wisdom because they know they are among God’s chosen people who are called to bring His light to a dark world.

This couple from Latin America has been married less than five years. They have been trained in not only theology, but they also have professional degrees. Their educational background and years of experience in their respective fields have created open doors for them to venture to the east leaving behind friends and family. You should have realized by now that I haven’t mentioned their names, nor will I. It would be too dangerous to reveal their identities or the country where they will go. Sounds crazy right? Many of us wouldn’t even think of such a risky venture. But God sends His people out to ever corner of the earth, in the most hidden and unexpected places, because He wants them to bring His fragrance to a dying world.

For to God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To some we are an aroma of death leading to death, but to others, an aroma of life leading to life. And who is competent for this? 2 Corinthians 2:15-16

This was not an overnight decision to go to a country where the few Christians in the nation meet secretly to worship because if their conversion is discovered they will be ostracized from their families and their communities. The law states that every citizen is Muslim, so a Christian dare not come up against the legal system in their own country. Coverts to Christianity are shamed and are put under a lot of pressure. They could lose their jobs and they could even be stripped of their parental rights. A Christian from a foreign country is not permitted to evangelize in this land. So why would this young couple from Latin America even think of moving to a place like this?

Three years of prayer with their local church was a part of this journey. Their hearts were opened to go to wherever God would send them, so they travelled to many countries and it was on one of these trips that God’s purpose became clear to them. They then understood that God was calling them to leave all that was familiar to go to a people who have not yet been reached by the Gospel. At first, they thought they were being called to North Africa, but those doors began closing, and instead doors to the Middle East swung wide open. In early 2019, during a stay in that region, an opportunity for employment presented itself and they knew God was at work. This job would cover 50 percent of their expenses and give them a viable reason to be in this nation.

However, they still had to wait patiently on the Lord. They thought they would have been in their positions in that region by now, yet God had other plans. Nevertheless, their waiting has not been in vain and in a few more months they will be off to their destination, which is no picnic in the park. Making converts to Christianity can be dangerous. They cannot be suspected of spreading the Gospel as they could be jailed and then deported.

Then there is the matter of the remaining 50 percent of their monthly expenses, which still needs to be covered. But they are trusting God while reaching out to churches and individuals for support. In addition, they will have to learn the language and the culture so that it will be easier for them to create meaningful relationships with the people in order to share the Gospel. Another one of their goals is to establish a local church in a place where there are few church buildings. This is no easy feat, but they know they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. (See Philippians 4:13).

They are God’s peculiar people wanting the citizens of the land where they are going to be a part of the great multitude that no one can count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, wearing white robes and holding palm branches in their hands, worshipping the God who sits on the throne. (See Revelations 7:9-10) They are also hoping to be forerunners, paving the way for other Christian workers to go to that region to fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples for Christ.

To learn how to help this couple fulfill the Great Commission, email


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