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A Journey to the Amazon

After hearing Daniela’s testimony about her and her family’s mission’s trip to three communities in the Amazon, I was so touched, I wanted you to know about their experience also. There are so many people who are in need of the Gospel and physical assistance right there in South America. I believe we must have a greater global vision to expand the church of Christ, which is not people in a building, but rather believers who are a part of the body of Christ throughout the world. This is Daniela’s story about spreading the Gospel of Christ to one of the least reached and underprivileged groups of people. Do you have a similar story?


Two weeks ago, my family and I visited the state of Beni in Bolivia, which is the Bolivian Amazon region. We participated in an evangelistic campaign called "Long Live Beni with Christ." They assigned us three communities to share the Gospel with. In them, we found a large population of children and young people, where most of the families subsist on hunting and fishing. They belong to indigenous and mestizo ethnic groups. In these places, there is a lot of poverty and child malnutrition. There are churches (structures), but there are no pastors or workers. Only one missionary from the state capital visits these areas once a month. This person was the one who took us so that we could know these communities.

Jesus traveled to all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all sickness and all disease in the people. And seeing the crowds, he had compassion on them; because they were helpless and scattered like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:35-36

We saw people who were open to the Gospel and received the Word of God with great attentiveness. But it is definitely urgent to pray for God to send pastors to these communities.

How then can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how will they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how will they preach if they are not sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who announce peace, of those who announce good news! Romans 10:14-15

It is a challenge to live in these communities, because there are no sources of employment and living conditions are very precarious. Therefore, young people who want to study go to the state capital and do not return due to a lack of work or having no other options for a different way of life besides hunting and fishing. Pastors or missionaries who wish to work there need to have their own resources or be supported by persons or institutions who are from outside the area.

In these places there is a lot of jungle and rivers that in the rainy season cause floods in most of the state for three or four months. Because of this, the inhabitants of these communities must move around in canoes and in many cases, leave their homes until the flood passes. We were very surprised by the harsh realities of these people and by their spiritual and physical needs. In the first town we visited, there was strong spiritual opposition because there is a Catholic pilgrimage center to a virgin. However, the children were receptive to the message of the Gospel. We are now constantly praying for them.

But Jesus said: Let the children come to me, and do not stop them; because of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14

During our stay, we did evangelism in homes, and activities with children and adults in temples and in schools. We delivered donations of bibles, and educational and evangelistic materials for children and adults. We also gave them snacks and vitamins. While we were working in one of the communities, women from a village that is further away came to ask us for help. They told us that they are the ones who must do everything possible to feed their families since the men are dedicated to consuming alcoholic beverages. We believe that only the power of God can change this reality, because the Gospel lives where it is received.

After this experience, our hearts have been touched to continue praying and supporting these communities in whichever way that the Lord provides for us.

Then he said to his disciples: Indeed the harvest is great, but the laborers few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest. Matthew 9: 37-38


Now, enjoy some of the pictures taken on this mission’s trip.


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