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How to Bake a Cake?

No don’t worry. I am not going to give you a recipe on how to bake a physical cake. I would be the last person to do that after some of my baking fiascos over the years. However, I do want to talk about the intangible ingredients that make some cakes extra special. Dani, a friend of mine, sent me a picture of a cake she made for a twenty year old orphan and it really got me thinking about everything that went into making this cake. And no, it is not the physical ingredients, but the love, time and commitment that left me in awe of this cake.

Now don’t get me wrong, the ingredients are delicious and just looking at the cake it seems so scrumptious. I can only imagine how tantalizing it would have been to my taste buds. Dani told me about what goes into the recipe of this cake.

For the batter: Butter, sugar, flour, baking powder, eggs, milk, vanilla, and lemon zest.

First layer: Milk with coffee to moisten and Dulce de leche for a filling

Second layer: Peach syrup to moisten along with cream with peach pieces for a filling

On the outside of the cake:

Cream, strawberries and peaches.

The cream is important because it gives the cake smoothness, flavor and elegance. The fruits give color, flavor and a special touch. Dulce de leche (a sweet caramel looking milk) gives flavor and sweetness. These ingredients make the batter much more pleasant, delicious and attractive.

Sounds delicious, right? I know the recipient of this cake must have been very pleased, especially since it was part of a surprise birthday party. This is how much Dani and her family care for the people God has put in their lives. The Montoyas moved from Colombia to Bolivia to be missionaries nearly sixteen years ago. Many thought they were crazy to leave a good business behind to venture into a country where they would be facing the unknown with very little resources. But they knew God had put it on their heart to work with widows and orphans in this country.

Their sacrifice has been great, but the lives they have continued to impact has been worth it. I am sure this orphan who is now twenty would be able to tell you the great influence the Montoyas have had on his life. This cake was no easy feat and demonstrates commitment to someone who is near and dear to God’s heart. Dani made it when she was tired and had much to do, yet she took the time and effort to make not a simple cake, but one that was quite elaborate. This was made with love. For me, buying a cake would have saved the time and the effort. It might have been cheaper too. Did you see all those ingredients that were needed? However, baking the cake makes it so much more special and you can truly see the heart of love celebrating the fact that this young man was carefully crafted by God in his mother’s womb and was fearfully and wonderfully made. (See Psalm 139). When you give a cake, you are showing the person who receives it that he or she is valued by you.

Now the Lord appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre, while he was sitting at the tent door in the heat of the day. When he raised his eyes and looked, behold, three men were standing opposite him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed down to the ground…So Abraham d into the tent to Sarah, and said, “Quickly, prepare three measures of fine flour, knead it, and make bread cakes.” Genesis 18:1-2, 6

Abraham asked Sarah to make cakes when the Lord appeared to him. It was a special moment with the Almighty and he wanted to commemorate this extraordinary occasion with cakes. Dani did the same by baking a cake. And, this was not an ordinary cake. This delicacy was from the hands and heart of the Heavenly Father showing His unconditional love to this orphan, who although his mother and father had passed away is still very much loved by His Creator. He is a masterpiece and there has never been or never will be anyone else like him on this earth. God used the Montoyas to show Him how important he is to Him. And they have executed pure religion perfectly.

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

So when was the last time you baked a cake? Now this cake I have mentioned is metaphorical for a sacrifice of love that shows God’s heart to someone who needs it. How do you bake a cake? Well, it is an act of love that takes time, commitment, sacrifice, hard work, and your special touch.


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