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A Fall from Grace?

It seems that as the years go by, the church assimilates more and more to the world’s culture, which is antithetical to the teachings of Christ, who taught us to be separate from the world and its lusts while abiding in Him. In this article, Nader has me pondering if the Church has fallen from God’s grace, as ironically many Christians believe they have freedom to fulfill their lustful desires because they are in God’s grace. But is this the deception of Satan to make them fall from grace?


I think the most golden historic period of the church was in the first three centuries after Christ’s birth. Because Christians lived a very simple life at that time. They helped each other and gave their lives for Christ and did not deny Him.

More than 1,800 years ago, an author named Tertullian explained in his work Apologeticus that “The blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church.’’ A Martyr, named after St. Justin Martyr (100–165), is someone killed for his or her beliefs. Just 30 years after Justin Martyr’s death, Catholic author Tertullian saw that martyrs grew more powerful and influential after their death. He saw how the blood of murdered martyrs planted the seeds that would increase faith. The stories of murdered or persecuted Christians made them martyrs whose stories inspired far more people to take their place, giving birth to the phrase.

But when Satan saw that he could not destroy the church, he revealed his greatest trick and weapon in the history of the church - corruption from within the church as it became like the world. Yes, when Constantine the Great, the Roman emperor, made Christianity the official religion of Rome by decree in 313, that was the beginning of the story. This was one of the deadliest mistakes in the history of Christianity, which caused many people to convert to Christianity superficially and demagogically in order to enjoy governmental privileges. Now I want to give an example of just two Christian Catholic leaders who are the showcase of the history of Christianity, because when Christianity is spoken of even in Iran, the finger of blame goes to the Middle Ages.

Pope John XII: 930/937 – 14 May 964:

From taking the throne at a mere age of eighteen, it was never going to be a great start for Pope John XII. His young heart was not ready for the life of a Pope and soon after becoming the Pope, he transformed his residence into a brothel. Going further down the rabbit hole, he took part in murdering, invoking demons, and even having sexual relations with his sisters. His promiscuity ended up being his demise however after a husband caught his wife in bed with him and beat the Pope so badly, that he died three days later from his injuries.

Pope Leo X: 11 December 1475 – 1 December 1521:

Leo X is famous for his lavish spending during his reign, becoming a patron of the arts who commissioned the rebuilding of St. Peter’s Basilica. After the church’s wallet got a bit lighter, Leo X then convinced believers they could buy their way to heaven, selling indulgences that would reduce their sins.

Yes, throughout history, Satan has tried to use the sin and weakness of human beings who are weak in the face of sin and therefore fail in order to diminish the holiness of the God of the Holy Scriptures and to tarnish the reputation of Christ and the Church! He has been very successful to this day and has been able to make the church look like the world and teaches Christians that they are in the age of grace, and they can do whatever they want. Instead of being like Christ in the hands of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, the church is now like the world in the hands of Satan and false teachings.

Yes, I request all Christians to come and reshape the history of Christianity in union with Christ, in the fullness of the Spirit and the Word of God, because we now live in a history that future generations will hear about. Let us live like the early church in the fullness of the fruit of the Holy Spirit and be light and salt in the world around us.

“And all the believers were together and had all things in common; and they would sell their property and possessions and share them with all, to the extent that anyone had need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:44-47

Nader, your little brother in CHRIST



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